General Information
For effective emergency evacuation in any situation, each Tenant should establish an Emergency Response Team based on the roles described below. Evacuation drills will be conducted at least annually, and all occupants of the building are required to participate.
The Tenant Emergency Response Team includes:
TENANT WARDENS and their alternates, DEPUTY TENANT WARDENS, assume a key role in performing assigned duties. They should be reliable, respected by other employees, and capable of providing guidance in the event of an emergency. Tenant Wardens and their Deputies may be called upon to be lead their co-workers and therefore must display confidence and support cooperation. During an emergency, corporate hierarchy should be relegated in favor of allowing the Tenant Emergency Response Team to effectively take charge (within the bounds of the Emergency Plan). Each company must assign at least one Tenant Warden & Deputy Tenant Warden for every 20 employees. SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TENANT WARDENS (and Deputies) must be designated to assist people with disabilities within your company in the event of an emergency evacuation.